Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Glass Orchid #6 has arrived!

Alright, after a long wait issue #6 is now available. We've over stuffed the content expanding by 8 extra pages! That's 40 pages full of Glass Orchid goodies. Highlights include Holy Smokes: The Story of the Mission...a look at the strange history of a folk group of singing seminarians who later covered Dylan, Cohen, The Youngbloods, George Harrison, and The Who. It's a story of fuzz guitars, lawsuits, rock operas, and Jesus. Tame Impala gets reviewed in the Jukebox Jury. And a new column Greg's Grindhouse. Greg sits through one of the goriest Asian Trash Cinema flicks of all time...Riki-Oh. Get it today! (All Prices include shipping)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Back Issues available soon!

Hey Folks, I've been receiving a good deal of mail asking for back issues. So I'm proud to announce issues 1,2, and 3 of Glass Orchid will be put back into print. I've overhauled the image quality and proofread and proofread and proofread... Keep an eye on this page for pricing. They will be available as single issues, mix and match, and super bundles. So if you want to get 1-5 in one swoop, now will be your chance. Happy reading!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Glass Orchid #5

The holidays are over and while everyone is trying to shed those extra pounds it's time to stuff yourself with the best in music/film and pop culture! Glass Orchid #5 is another corker! We travel South of the border with 60's garage rock legends the Los Apson. We finish off our interview with David Detillo, who gives insight of the final days of David & Anthony and the elusive 45rpm single. Memphis Jim serves up the last few slices of the blues rock guide, and Alvy Trout reviews the dark comedy of Harold and Maude. Drop us a line at Glassorchidmag at